Exhaust and catalytic converter
The catalytic converter is an essential part of the exhaust system.
The exhaust system is a mechanism that limits the noise produced by the release of exhaust gases and prevents these toxic fumes from entering the vehicle’s cabin. It does this in part by reducing the speed and temperature of the gases before they exit the vehicle. The exhaust system is composed of several important parts, including the catalytic converter. This component is designed to minimize the air pollution generated by your car in order to better protect the environment. Understandably, it’s crucial to maintain this entire system, both for the sake of your health and the planet.
That’s why the team at your local Auto Mecano will check your exhaust system during each visit.

Question and Answer
When should I change my catalytic converter?
It’s recommended that you have the catalytic converter replaced when your car reaches about 100,000 kilometres, depending on how you drive.
However, you should be aware that under certain conditions, the catalytic converter may weaken. In particular, a decrease in its efficiency can indicate wear and tear on the engine and its components. It’s important to keep your catalytic converter in good condition to respect pollution standards and ensure you can continue to drive safely.
If you’re not sure about the condition of your car’s catalytic converter, make an appointment at an Auto Mecano repair shop near you to have it inspected.